2020 Mountain T.O.P. Mission Trip
Basic Information:
When: June 21-27, 2020
Where: Coalmont, Tennessee
Who: All current 7th-12th grade students
Deadline to Register: January 31, 2020
Cost: $220 (if fundraising goal of $3,000 is meet)
Deposit: $50, non-refundable
Details About The Trip:
What Do I Need To Do To Register?
Click here to register to attend Mountain TOP Mission Trip. You will need to pick between Day Camp or Work Crew.
What Is Day Camp?
Day Camp is a local VBS-type event for children in the local community at the Mountain Top Base Camp. You will be working with children from 5-12 with games, Bible stories, crafts and other events.
What Is Work Crew?
Work Crew spends the week going out into the community and doing light construction jobs like building porches, yard work, outdoor painting, and outdoor home repair. You will be using power and hand tools to complete each job. You do not need to know how to use tools like hammers and saws, but you will have a chance to learn!
How Much Does This Trip Cost?
Total trip cost is $220, if we meet our fundraiser goal of $3,000. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration. All payments for this trip are non-refundable.
What Is The Deadline To Register?
January 31, 2020 is the last day to sign-up for Mountain Top. We haves a total of 26 open spots and once all spots are filled we will begin a waitlist.
Will There Be Team Meeting Before The Trip?
Yes, the team meetings schedule will be sent out after the January 31 deadline. Meets will be one hour and we will have about three before the trip.
What Fundraisers Are We Doing?
Our goal is to raise $3,000 for this trip. We have a couple of different ideas about how we can raise this money and get the whole church involved by supporting our mission trip. Fill details about the fundraiser(s) will be posted soon.