Our Family Plan
Welcome to a New Year!
What if you had a plan, some intentionality driving your family this year? This small handout is designed to help you do that. We want you to come up with a plan for your family. But most importantly, a plan that fits who your family is – what you like to do, who you want to be.
So gather your family and a few snacks and let’s get started!
Step 1: Our Family Word or Motto
What’s your family’s word for the year? Maybe it’s “kindness” or “serving.” Or maybe you can’t decide on just one word. You might think of a string of words that form a family motto for the year. As a family, list all your options. Let everyone have input and then decide.
Step 2: Our Family Verse
Based upon your family word or motto, pray and ask God to reveal a verse that supports this. As a family, commit to memorizing this verse. Put it in key places in your home this year.
Step 3: Our Fun
How is your family going to have fun this year? The goal is to come up with 5 fun things to do as a family this year. Be creative but realistic. Write them down here. For bonus points attempt to schedule the month you want to do them.
Step 4: Our Service
What are some ways you want to serve together as a family this year? How can you show love to those in need? As a family, make a list of 5 ways you want to serve together this year.
Step 5: Our Tribe
The people around our family are important. As a family pray and ask God to reveal those in your life you need to invite into your tribe. Identify one person or one family you want to get to know better this year. As a family, brainstorm some ways you can do that!