Parent Conversation Guides For "What To Do..." Videos [Updated: May 31]

How to use this conversational guide with your student. Below is the video that we encourage you to watch with your student. Once you have watched the video, you can use the conversation guide posted below the video to help you talk with your student about the video. I hope this resource helps you to connect with your teenager during this pandemic.

Week 4: May 31, 2020


Week 4 Conversational Guide

  • How can problems, disappointments, or letdowns affect our relationship with those who are around you? What about your relationship with God?

  • What is a situation that you hope God can use but you can’t see it right now? 

  • When someone is hurting, what are some things that people say, or do, that is helpful? What are some things that people say, or do, that is not helpful? 

  • How has hearing someone else’s difficult situation helped you in your own difficult situation? 

  • Read Romans 8:28. It can be tempting to understand this verse as saying God will make all of our problems go away, but we know that isn’t always the case. What are some ways God may use a situation for good without making it go away?


Week 3: May 24, 2020


Week 3 Conversational Guide

  • What would you do if...You found a $1 bill on the ground? Or $100?

  • Who is someone you know who shows “integrity”? How do they show it?

  • What are some things that keep us from doing the right thing?

  • How can doing the next right thing cost you something?

  • Why should we care about “doing the right thing”?

  • How does choosing to do the right thing affect the people around you?

  • By doing the right thing, Joseph proved himself to be a person with integrity. What does it look like to be a person with integrity in school?  With friends?  In your family?


Week 2: May 17, 2020


Week 2 Conversational Guide

  • Describe a situation where you felt things were out of your control. (Examples: being stuck in traffic, when the electricity goes out, etc).

  • What are some words you would use to describe what you felt in that situation? What’s the worst part of being in that situation?

  • In your own words, describe Joseph’s situation. What do you think were some thoughts Joseph had while in the cistern? What would be some of your thoughts?

  • One of the worst parts of Joseph’s situation was his being alone. Why do you think situations that feel out of our control are more difficult to handle when you feel alone?

  • If you weren’t alone in that situation, how would it have changed how you felt about it? 

  • What are some ways we can be reminded that God is with us?

  • Don’t skip this: What could help you get through situations when you feel stuck? 

  • If one of your friends were in that situation, what would you say to them or remind them?


Week 1: May 10, 2020


Week 1 Conversational Guide

  • What’s something you do at home that you wouldn’t do at school or vice versa? (Example: You throw your food away in the cafeteria, but you don’t take your food in from the table at home.)

  • If you were one of Joseph’s brothers, how would you describe Joseph? If you were Joseph, how would you describe your siblings?

  • What would you have said to help Joseph approach this situation differently with his brothers?

  • How could understanding the brothers’ point of view change Joseph’s actions towards them? 

  • Has not seeing a situation from others’ perspective caused conflict in your family?

  • Think about a time where you were in the middle of a family conflict. How could seeing things from someone else’s perspective have caused that situation to go differently?

  • Read Philippians 2:3-8. How is choosing to see someone else’s perspective over your own valuing others 
above yourself? 

  • What are some reasons why this passage could be more difficult to live out with our families than with others?

  • What are some situations where being unselfish with your family would be difficult? (Example: who controls the remote, who does the dishes etc.) What could you do differently this week to honor your family and be more selfless this week?


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