Sunday Night Youth: Lifelines

During Sunday Night Youth in August, our youth series is called “Lifelines.” As a parent, we want you to have information about what we are teaching, resources you can use, a parent tip video, and a question for you to wrestle with.




Do you have any friendships you can really count on — the kind of friendships you might call your "lifelines?" God designed us to have friendships we can trust, but God also knew we'd need some help figuring out how to build friendships that are lifelines for each other. In this series, we'll look at the kind of friendship Jesus models for us: friendship that lets us be real, gives us a chance to grow, gives us a group when we feel alone, and can even change the world.

Your teenager will hate that we're telling you this, but we're going to tell you anyway: you should know who your kid's friends are. At this age, I know they want their privacy, and I know they're hard to talk to sometimes. But your teenagers' friends are influencing them in big ways right now, so you’ve got to understand who's in their circle of friends — and what they're up to.

CPYU stands for The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding and is a resource I use weekly and one I wanted you to know about. CPYU is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers.

At a time when an already confusing youth culture is changing quickly, CPYU helps parents, youth workers, educators, and others understand teenagers and their culture so that they will be better equipped to help children and teens navigate the challenging world of adolescence. Visit here


We might be a youth ministry, but teenagers aren't our only priority. We'd love to hear how we can better serve you and your family, too. So we'd love it if you'd complete a quick survey so we can learn from you.

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