Watch any Christmas special, and I guarantee you that a major plotline will revolve around someone “ruining Christmas” for a group of people. We feel such pressure to get it right and to have the “perfect Christmas” experience for ourselves or for our children. But nothing could be further from the true Christian understanding of what Christmas is about.
Read MoreSome parents start to think that being cool is a necessity for good parenting. A lot of dads and moms try to be their kids’ friends and ensure their kids are never uncomfortable or feel pain. They believe if they’re cool, their kids are going to like them -- and that that’s the definition of good parenting.
Unfortunately, this is setting their kids up for hard lessons and potential failure in the future. Here are four reasons NOT to be the cool parent.
Read MoreIt’s interesting how many questions our kids ask when they’re young. As they become teens, they slowly stop asking, but just because your teens aren’t asking you questions doesn’t mean they don’t have them. There are certain things every teenager needs. Answers to their most pressing questions are among them. And they’re trying to figure out whether you’ll answer.
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